Our Terrific Toilets Appeal is launched! We held our first Super Sizzling Sausage Supper complete with sausage making demonstration by Duncan; much fun had by all, with thanks to our helpers too. Our Terrific Toilets Raffle raised over £600 with prizes donated by The FireCrest, The Black Horse Pub, the Roald Dahl Museum, Oasis Spa, la Petite Auberge, local shops and kind people. The raffle was drawn at our very first “Carols in the Barn” on 5th December: we sang to live musical accompaniment and thank musicians and helpers very much. Teas and coffees at the end were most welcome, with biscuits and mince pies kindly donated by our local Co-Op and a contribution sent to the charity “Embrace” working in the Middle East.
The donkeys did their Christmas bit too: an Open Air Nativity appearance at Wendover Free Church in early December, then outside Amersham Kings Church on Christmas Eve afternoon. 5 Young Adults from Amersham TalkBack also enjoyed meeting them when they came to the farm.