Support and advice
We are grateful to support and advice from many organisations, particularly:
- The Clare Foundation
- Countrymen UK Network
- Social Farms and Gardens
- Let Nature Feed Your Senses
- The Sensory Trust
- Farming And Countryside Education
- Linking Environment And Farming
- Bucks County Council – Prevention Matters
- Community Impact Bucks
- Inspire2Enteprise
Specific Care Farms and therapy Links:
- Clinks Care Farm
- Densholme Care Farm
- Future Roots
- Horses Helping People
- Horsewyse
- Lindengate
- Magdalen Farm
- MindFood
- Rural Care, Church Farm
A few special thank you’s are also here.
Special thanks to everyone who has helped with all our genuine Road Farm photos and to Bucks County Council / Prevention Matters who provided the first funding for Road Farm Countryways CIC to begin!