We can give a guided farm walk for your club or society, or occasionally come to you to give a talk about Countryways CIC. Please e-mail or telephone us or use the contact form provided. Bear in mind that whilst we are here all year, many specific interests are seasonal eg. Lambing, Calving, Bluebells, Butterflies, Bees, Harvest, Glow-Worms, Fossil-hunting.
We welcome ALL ages: we regularly have visits from our local Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, whether for farm walks, orienteering, kite flying, fire-lighting, camp singing etc. We have also enjoyed visits from U3A, local Rotary Club and The Inner Wheel, and local dementia support groups. Fortnightly on a Monday afternoon, we welcome a group of retired gentlemen to our Countrymen Club. We would be delighted to provide a cup of tea for more senior local groups of visitors and give a chance to refresh old memories.