We are delighted to launch our new Countrymen’s Club on 18th November, a group aimed at men of varying abilities aged 55+ who may have worked primarily outdoors or share a passion for rural life. We set up the Club to address the need for an outdoors service for men who face life changes from social circumstance, ageing or challenging health conditions.

Our friendly meeting is on a Monday morning from 11.00-2.30pm and the programme is varied. Our first topic of interest is wood turning with special guest Stuart King then sausage-making on 2nd December. Refreshments and a home-cooked lunch are provided. The session also involves potential time outside in the fresh air – come rain or shine!

Do you want to know more about our Countrymen’s Club? Then find out a little more here.


To join the Countrymen’s Club, or to arrange a Taster Session, contact us today on Telephone: 01494 862413 or Email: chalkdell.roadfarm@gmail.com