3 new Inspired to Grow dates for September and October 

Inspired to Grow is our growing project we have been running for the past year, helped with funding from Heart of Bucks, which aims to build confidence in young people (especially those facing challenge in their lives) to have fun sustainably growing diverse and nourishing varieties of fruit, veg and herbs, and to explore the important connection between fungi, soil and biodiversity. By having the opportunity to grow and learn about fruit and vegetables, we also hope to have a positive impact on both people’s physical and mental wellbeing.

Thursday 26th Sept 5 – 6.30pm: Harvest, tidy up and replant in the polytunnel

  • See & harvest produce that has grown over the summer including tomatoes, aubergine, cucumber, spinach, beetroot
  • Water and feed plants
  • Clear out old planters
  • Sow winter crops

To book your FREE place click here: www.trybooking.com/uk/DWRV

Thursday 24th October 5 – 6.30pm: Mushrooms & Herbs

  • Find out about fantastic fungi with our expert, Tyler (to be confirmed)
  • Plant up our  herb planter

To book your FREE place click here: www.trybooking.com/uk/DWSA

Monday  26th October 12.30 – 4pm: Picnic, Apple & Pumpkins

  • Join us for a BYO picnic in the orchard
  • Harvest windfall apples, taste different varieties, make apple juice, design apple juice labels & make apple donuts
  • Polytunnel jobs & pumpkin crafts
  • And meet our family of goats!

To book your FREE place click here: www.trybooking.com/uk/DWSB